Bērnu ūdensslēpes HO SPORTS KIDS HOT SHOT
Bērnu ūdensslēpes HO SPORTS KIDS HOT SHOT bērna svaram līdz 27 kg
Hot Shot Trainers ir ideālās slēpes mūsu topošajiem ūdensslēpošanas profesionāļiem! Ar komplektu, kas ietver trenažiera stieni un astes savienojumu, jūsu jaunākajam slēpotājam būs visstabilākā platforma slēpošanas apguvei. Turklāt Hot Shot Trainers ietver vecāku rokas virvju sistēmu, kas ļauj vecākiem, kas atrodas laivā, kontrolēt sava mazā slēpotāja braucienu. Regulējami pakavu stiprinājumi ir piemēroti plašam bērnu pēdu izmēru klāstam, un spilgta grafika ļauj mazajiem slēpotājiem pamanīt ūdenī. Ideāla rotaļlieta, lai mācītu nākamās paaudzes ūdens sporta entuziastus.
The Hot Shot Trainers are THE perfect skis for our aspiring waterski pro! With a package that includes a trainer bar and tail connection, your junior skier will have the most stable platform for learning to ski. In addition, the Hot Shot Trainers include a parent hand held rope system allowing the parent in the boat to control their little skier’s ride. Adjustable horseshoe bindings fit a wide range of kid’s feet sizes and bright graphics keep little skiers visible in the water. The perfect toy to teach the future generation of water sport enthusiasts.
#HO Sports Kids Hot Shot Combo Waterski Package Construction Features
- Includes Trainer Bar and Tail Connection
- Includes Parent Handheld Rope System
- Complete with Horseshoe Boots
- Bright Fun Graphics
- Free LEARN2WATERSKI Instructional Link
#HO Sports Kids Hot Shot Combo Waterski Package Weight Indication
- Up to 27kg
Includes Trainer Bar and Tail Connection
Keeps the skis together at the correct distance
Includes Parent Handheld Rope System
Dual handles allow for parent powered pulling on shore and shallow water. When pulled behind boat, parent holds 2nd handle to control for smooth safe falls. Connects to trainer bar to keep the pull going to the skis, not the child. Modify for child height by adjusting rope loops.
Complete with Horseshoe Boots
To fit a wide range kid feet